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找尋 雙峰路文峰巷Organix South, 印楝油,16盎司(480毫升)團購心得看這裡
100% Pure, Organic Neem Oil Contains a minimum azadirachtin content of 1500 ppm. Neem Oil is respected by farmers world-wide for its ability to support healthy plants and soil. Used for centuries, Neem protects and nourishes soil & plants. Containing only 100% pure Neem Oil, cold-pressed from seeds of the Indian Neem Tree, TheraNeem Organix Neem Oil for the Garden is approved for organic gardening. It is environmentally compatible, non-toxic to mammals and birds, and does not affect beneficial insects and bees. Neem Oil makes a biodegradable, safe and effective plant spray and soil drench. This bottle can make up to 24 gallons of solution. Use TheraNeem Organix Neem Oil for the Garden on all vegetation, including houseplants, flowers, roses, fruit trees, shrubs & ornamentals. Orchids, Ornamentals, Herb Gardens, Fruits & Veggies, Roses, Citrus Neem Oil for the Garden is a product of India. Usage rate is one teaspoon Neem Oil per quart or four teaspoons Neem Oil per gallon of water. Add 1 teaspoon of an ecologically friendly dish detergent to a small portion of the water as an emulsifier. Add the Neem Oil and mix well. Add remaining water, stir and use immediately. For outdoor gardens, we recommended spraying at dusk to allow the oils to soak into the plant and soil. Do not spray in full sun. Use as a foliar spray and soil drench, spraying both the top and underside of the foliage. Repeat spraying once a week for 5 weeks. You garden will be safe for immediate use after spraying. Wash fruits and vegetables prior to consumption. TheraNeem Organix Neem Oil for the Garden may also be used on pets and livestock. Azadirachta indica (neem) seed oil. 100% pure and certified organic.
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